How do I reserve a study room?


Library Study Rooms

To reserve a library study room, you must be a current USG student, faculty, or staff member. Our rooms are for groups of 2 - 8 people.

Reservations can only be made in-person at the circulation desk . Rooms can be reserved up to a week in advance. You will need to provide your USG ID card, number of people in your group, time needed, program and course being studied, and contact information.

You must have at least 2 people to reserve a room.

If you want a room with special features, such as the IdeaPaint wall or the touchscreen monitor, mention your request to the library staff when making the reservation.

Please visit our main Study Rooms page and Group Study Rooms Policy page for more information about the library's group study rooms.

Outside Study Rooms

Group study rooms for USG student, faculty, and staff use are also available outside the library. Those rooms can be found on the upper floors of building III.

  • Last Updated May 16, 2017
  • Views 3100
  • Answered By Madhu Singh

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